Logo of an upside down black triangle with white text in the center: resist covid eugenics

resist covid eugenics

COVID-19 is not mild. It is an airborne and deadly virus. You don't build an immunity with multiple infections and vaccines do not stop the transmission. The more the government allows unmitigated spread, the more variants we will see across the world. Our representatives and institutions failed to protect communities and provide accurate public health information, policies, and tools.COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2) attacks the vascular system of the human body on a cellular level. It affects your central nervous system and immune system. It will damage every part of your body receiving blood flow. Your brain. Your heart. Your lungs. Each re-infection causes further damage to everyone of all ages.Covid-19 is still a leading cause of death in the US behind umbrella categories of heart disease and cancer (meaning ALL heart diseases and cancers). Covid-19 is a leading cause of death in children and young people in the US. People of all ages and backgrounds can die from Covid-19 and its post viral effects. According to the World Health Organization, Covid has killed over 6 million people globally (severely undercounted).Long Covid (Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome aka PACS) is the 3rd leading neurological disorder in the US. In the US, Covid-19 has killed over 1 million people and has disabled over 23 million people since 2020 (all undercounted). Covid-19 will continue to kill and disable people unless we fight back.Covid is NOT over. Society has abandoned their most vulnerable community members for a blood soaked "normal" that harms everyone. We must resist this.We will not accept covid eugenics, and neither should you.

We have the power to keep ourselves and each other safe!

Click on the buttons below to be taken to each section's resources

  • Basics

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  • How to use Masks

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SARS-COV-2 and PACS: What is Covid-19?

The virus is scientifically known as SARS-COV-2. SARS stands for severe acute respiratory syndrome. SARS-COV-2 is considered a BSL-3 virus.Since the start of the pandemic, from the naming of the virus to the lack of transparency and accurate public health guidance, there was a concentrated effort by public health institutions and political leaders to downplay and mislead the public about the virus' severity and everyone's need for high standard airborne precautions.BSL means Bio Safety Level. At this level, a pathogen causes serious or potentially lethal disease through inhalation. Airborne transmission, aerosols, can spread quickly, far, and linger in a space for hours.While it spreads through respiratory transmission it is a vascular disease. Even the "mildest" infection can have long term, dangerous impacts you may not be able to recognize immediately! The risk of these dangers increases with each infection - your vascular system and blood vessels go to every single major organ in your body.Remember, where the blood flows, the infection goes!

What does SARS-Cov-2 do?

Below are explainer guides and art breaking down the dangers of covid, it's impacts, and how to protect yourself!

SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) and PACS (Long Covid) dangers and impact

Below are links to various databases or collections of articles, scientific studies, and reports demonstrating the dangers of SARS-Cov-2 and Post-Acute COVID-19 Syndrome. We recommend checking the People's CDC website for less academic and more accessible public health messaging. A link to their website can be found in the education section.If you have a collection of studies or just more accessible reading on health impacts of Covid that can be added, please contact us!

Advocacy Groups & Orgs


Covid Providers is a site to list those Covid-safe providers and Covid-safe services that we and others have found in our effort to stay safe and not catch Covid.

Accessing routine dental care shouldn't require you to risk your health. Covid Safe Dentists done the leg work to help you protect your smile without taking chances with Covid. Recommendations on their lists are crowdsourced from Covid-conscious online communities.

Social connections

Covid Meetups is an initiative by the World Health Network, a global coalition devoted to protecting health and minimizing harm to individuals and society formed as a people's task force in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. A service for COVID careful folks to connect in their local area!

This is a community calendar of virtual events hosted by a variety of people and small orgs/groups. The calendar & these events are intended for all those who are “still coviding” (covid cautious, covid safe, covid informed). Learn more about what the community term "still coviding" means!

Support Groups

This list was prepared by the Body Politic COVID-19 Support Group and is featured on the Long Covid Justice site. Every group listed is patient-led, which means that patients lead and help moderate the groups.

Covid Protection basics

Yes! There's still a chance of catching COVID even at an outdoor event — especially as the virus continues evolving to become more transmissible and to break through prior immunity from vaccination or earlier cases. This COVID FAQ resource also includes a printable poster on how to cut risks.

This is an instructional pdf from Ontario Health for collecting samples with rapid test, for both a nose swab and a throat swab. The People's CDC shared that a recent study showed that a throat swab will have higher clinical sensitivity than the usual instructed nasal swab.

An educational website with various resources on airborne transmission and protections. "We know how to solve the problem and we already have the tools to do it, but the world has chosen to do nothing. Future historians will be perplexed by our willingness to knowingly breathe contaminated air, but one day we will take clean air for granted - just like clean water. Our aim is to accelerate that change."

The People’s CDC provides guidance and policy recommendations to governments and the public on COVID-19, disseminating evidence-based updates that are grounded in equity, public health principles, and the latest scientific literature. Their weekly COVID-19 Weather Reports give information as well as weekly guidance on combatting COVID-19.Read the weather reports here!

A guide created by The People's CDC for preparing for illness, preventing spread to others, managing symptoms, and recovery. Clean Air Club also has a helpful document that you can use to create a plan for yourself and your loved ones should you test positive for covid.

Conversations and Reflections

"Pocket Pop Eds are tools that you can use to support conversations with your friends, families, and wider communities about issues that impact us as mad, neurodivergent and disable people."

Jewish Covid Resilience Network created a page of Frequently Asked Questions about the (advanced!) whys and hows of living both responsibly and joyously in the era of covid. The page includes special attention to how our emotional needs influence how we are able to respond to covid.

A living document resource created by a multiracial, multiethnic and international group of queer, disabled, chronically ill, and neurodivergent writers, workers, artists, and organizers from various socioeconomic backgrounds and different sets of lived experiences.

A 1hr and 41 minute long webinar hosted by Trans Equity with Long COVID Justice. Long Covid Justice also has a resource list available from the webinar and the slides are also available.

More Learning...

Ableism Enables All Forms of Inequity and Hampers All Liberation Efforts. Ableism has been used for generations to degrade, oppress, control and disappear disabled and nondisabled people alike. Article by George Yancy.

Politics, culture, and public policy from the left. Medicare for All now. Solidarity forever. Stay alive another week. Hosted by Beatrice Adler-Bolton, Artie Vierkant, Phil Rocco, Jules Gill-Peterson, and Abby Cartus.

Hiding in Plain Sight: Public Health, Eugenics, and COVID-19 published by Laura I Appleman.

"Here’s the truth: the pandemic is not over. It’s much worse than you have been led to believe. And unless you’ve spent the past several years reading scientific studies on the subject, it can be hard to convey just how wrong the public perception of COVID really is. Everything from how it’s spread, to how it’s prevented, to what it does once it’s in your body, is being tragically misunderstood."

A working definition last updated in January 2022 blog post from Talila A. Lewis.

From Sins Invalid: "What follows is a working draft definition of disability justice. This is a living document that grows and changes along with our emerging movement. It marks a point of departure rather than a destination. It is an invitation to those of us working on disability issues, to continue to support one another to find a language as powerful and expansive as our movement’s vision. "

You are not entitled to our deaths: COVID, Abled Supremacy & Interdependence, published blog post on January 16, 2022 by Mia Mingus.

Free Mask Distribution

Below are various grassroots groups or anti-fascist masks blocs focused on community care and covid-19. Mask blocs distribute free masks, tests, and other tools to protect their communities from COVID! You can also scroll down to Project N95 which offers free masks to those that need them!

Mask Guidance

A step by step guide to using a fit testing kit for your respirator. Kits, when available, are sold here for $40.

World Health Network (WHO) offers mask guidance with resources on mask fits, types of masks, as well as the do's and don'ts of masking. Masks and respirators help to prevent you from becoming infected.

Pinned tweet from Fit Test the Planet which include a link to a fit test database. "The numbers I write on my masks are harmonic mean fit factors. Fit factors are pretty much the ratio of particles outside the mask to particles inside the mask, and harmonic mean is a mathematical technique to make the estimate more conservative." What does this mean? The higher the number, the better the mask!

The People’s CDC is a coalition of public health practitioners, scientists, healthcare workers, educators, advocates and people from all walks of life working to reduce the harmful impacts of COVID-19. They provide an overview of how masking works and the best kind of masks to wear!

purchase masks

Medical-grade surgical masks made in Austin, Texas. Carries elastomeric, KN95, and surgical masks for adult and children. They also have a sampler pack available!

The leading distributor of KF94 masks in the US. NJ based and sells adult and children masks.

As 4th generation family owned and operated business, their mission is to bring authentic masks to everyone! They are now the EXCLUSIVE distributor of Powecom ® KN95 products and Harley KN95 products in the U.S. and Canada. Bona Fide Masks offers low wholesale and bulk pricing available for commercial, education, healthcare, non-profit, and government organizations.

Planet Halo Health is a major distribution center in the United States for PPE. Their distribution network extends to B2B, government agencies, healthcare facilities, and the consumer market. Planet Halo Health also verifies the efficacy and breathability of their masks by doing independent tests, to ensure the BFE, PFE, and Pascals meet best protection methods per CDC guidelines, and comfort for their clients.

As a 5th generation, family-owned PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) manufacturer and importer, Stauffer has formed close partnerships with suppliers such as 3M, Ansell, Dupont, Protective Industrial Products, Honeywell and more, over several decades of service in the safety industry, with distribution centers strategically positioned near key customers to tailor customized services and local inventory to customers’ specific needs.

Advocacy Toolkits

On May 8th, 2023, the People’s CDC along with some colleagues hosted a training webinar on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and how to invoke it to garner COVID mitigation from medical care professionals.

This downloadable template could be helpful for asking any group, organization, event, or employer to strengthen their covid precautions and offer suggestions with citations. Within this proposal document template, there's also a link to a spreadsheet template to present cost options, and a link to a canva template for signs about mask requirements.

This is a “Know Your Rights” toolkit that covers rights and strategies for people facing potential triage discrimination based on disability or weight, alone or in combination with other characteristics, during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States.

Community Made Guides

Created by by Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha and Tina “constant tt” Zavitsanos. Various "hacks we have figured out to make being together in the long winter more possible. not all of this will work for everyone. all of us are swimming with different seas of risk and choices we make and conditions that change every day. this is also not an exhaustive list, just a beginning place of gathering tools together. take what works for you and leave the rest, experiment, play with it, add your own."

"The guidelines in this template are based on the People’s CDC’s Safer Gatherings Guide and the principle of layers of protection/the “Swiss Cheese Model.” "While I’ve tried to universalize as best I can for a general template, you may have to change a lot or a little to fit your circumstances. The information you provide and the guidelines you suggest are going to differ based on the existing awareness and opinions of your group, the availability of resources like PPE, testing, and filtration to group members, and the mission of your group."

"We're the organizing team of the 2023 Brooklyn Art Book Fair, which was a fully-masked event spanning three days with over 3,000 visitors. Since we experienced a high compliance rate with our mask policy, some individuals and organizations reached out with questions on how we made it happen. We thought we'd compile a bit about our goals, policies, and strategies to make a Covid-safer event! We hope this doc might help other organizations who’d like to implement similar requirements."

This guide was put together by WHN’s School Safety Team. It uses recommendations from the CDC [1], White House [2], EPA [3], and ASHRAE [4], all of whom acknowledge that COVID-19 travels in aerosols that can linger and build up indoors, making the risk of infection in indoor buildings such as schools extremely high unless actions are taken to reduce risks.

Tips and Tools

This chart shows the SARS-CoV-2 virus concentration present in samples of wastewater taken from across the United States. The level of virus in wastewater is a leading indicator, meaning it precedes the change in clinical case counts or hospitalizations.

Clean Air Crew provides collection of tips & tools for an airborne pandemic. This is a growing collection of information, curated from the growing pool of COVID prevention resources created by various experts. It is a living document, and a work in progress.

A resource list for day to day prevention and covid safety basics compiled by Violet Blue, who also shares weekly roundups of Covid-19 pandemic information.

This calculator lets you estimate COVID risk and find effective safety measures for customizable situations. Examples: how risky is a trip to my grocery store? What's the safest way to see a friend? How much would it help to wear a better mask at my workplace?

A slide deck from Indoor Air Care Advocates offering a summary of current scientific knowledge and best practices as documented by authoritative experts.

Distributable art and educational materials created to fight a pandemic

This is a collection of various brochures, cards, posters, stickers, and other informational materials focused on fighting covid eugenics, public health disinformation, and fascist propaganda.They are available either for free or a low-cost pay what you can scale to download and distribute!
Please support Black and disabled artists!

Brochures and Handouts

Cards and Stickers

Square Graphics



Contact Us

Do you have any questions, comments, or suggestions for more resources? Want to help translate the Covid-19 Community Care pamphlet into more languages? Contact us using the form below!